Number of White Castle restaurants in the United States in 2024

Last updated on May 17, 2024

How many White Castle restaurants are there in the United States?

There are 345 White Castle restaurants in the United States as of May 17, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of White Castle locations in the US is Illinois, with 58 restaurants, which is about 17% of all White Castle restaurants in the US.


How can I download a list of White Castle restaurants in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 345 White Castle locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most White Castle restaurants


58 (17%)

A restaurant for every 218,483 people, in Illinois with about 17% of the total number of White Castle restaurants


52 (15%)

A restaurant for every 129,462 people, in Indiana with about 15% of the total number of White Castle restaurants


43 (12%)

A restaurant for every 271,837 people, in Ohio with about 12% of the total number of White Castle restaurants

State / Territory Number of restaurants Population Population per restaurant
Illinois 58 (17%) 12.67M 218.48K
Indiana 52 (15%) 6.73M 129.46K
Ohio 43 (12%) 11.69M 271.84K
Michigan 37 (11%) 9.99M 269.92K
New York 33 (10%) 19.45M 589.51K
Kentucky 33 (10%) 4.47M 135.39K
Missouri 32 (9%) 6.14M 191.78K
New Jersey 26 (8%) 8.88M 341.62K
Minnesota 15 (4%) 5.64M 376.00K
Nevada (1%) 3.08M 616.00K

There are White Castle restaurants in 15 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any White Castle restaurants

These states and territories do not have any White Castle restaurants

  • Guam
  • South Carolina
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Georgia
  • Rhode Island
  • California
  • New Mexico
  • Montana
  • Delaware
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • North Dakota
  • Connecticut
  • Idaho
  • New Hampshire
  • Puerto Rico
  • Hawaii
  • Alaska
  • Texas
  • Massachusetts
  • Virginia
  • South Dakota
  • Arkansas
  • Vermont
  • Alabama
  • Nebraska
  • Utah
  • Louisiana
  • North Carolina
  • Iowa
  • Mississippi
  • Colorado
  • West Virginia
  • Oklahoma
  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • Wyoming
  • American Samoa
  • Washington
  • Oregon

There are 41 states and territories without White Castle restaurants in the United States

Cities with the most number of White Castle restaurants in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Chicago Illinois 18
Indianapolis Indiana 15
Louisville Kentucky 15
Columbus Ohio 12
St Louis Missouri 11
Cincinnati Ohio 11
Detroit Michigan 9
Bronx New York 7
Brooklyn New York 5
New York New York 4

Download the complete database of White Castle Locations in USA

You can download the full list of White Castle locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
White Castle Griffith 440 W Ridge Rd Griffith IN 46319 219-838-2044 41.551839 -87.430752 440 W Ridge Rd, Griffith, IN, 46319 USA 2024-05-17
White Castle Louisville 7400 Dixie Hwy Louisville KY 40258 502-937-3984 38.143055 -85.840365 7400 Dixie Hwy, Louisville, KY, 40258 USA 2024-05-17
White Castle Orlando 11815 Glass House Lane Suite 120 Orlando FL 32836 689-208-3717 28.399507 -81.488948 11815 Glass House Lane Suite 120, Orlando, FL, 32836 USA 2024-05-17
White Castle Orlando 11595 Daryl Carter Parkway Orlando FL 32836 407-813-2516 28.399364 -81.49024 11595 Daryl Carter Parkway, Orlando, FL, 32836 USA 2024-05-17
White Castle Scottsdale 9310 East Via De Ventura Scottsdale AZ 85258 480-291-5700 33.554924 -111.880477 9310 East Via De Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ, 85258 USA 2024-05-17
White Castle Tempe 8735 S Jewel Street Tempe AZ 85284 623-273-2546 33.33508611 -111.96787757 8735 S Jewel Street, Tempe, AZ, 85284 USA 2024-05-17
White Castle Orlando 11595 Daryl Carter Pkwy Orlando FL 32836 407-813-2516 28.39931413 -81.49036263 11595 Daryl Carter Pkwy, Orlando, FL, 32836 USA 2024-05-17
White Castle Orlando 11815 Glass House Lane Ste 120 Orlando FL 32836 28.40027351 -81.48894985 11815 Glass House Lane Ste 120, Orlando, FL, 32836 USA 2024-05-17
White Castle Hammond 7921 Indianapolis Blvd Hammond IN 46324 219-844-1296 41.569857 -87.475414 7921 Indianapolis Blvd, Hammond, IN, 46324 USA 2024-05-17
White Castle Bridgeview 7900 S Harlem Ave Bridgeview IL 60455 708-594-7060 41.747681 -87.800257 7900 S Harlem Ave, Bridgeview, IL, 60455 USA 2024-05-17

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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